514 871-0961    Francais  English  Chinese


Residents are our reason for being. We strive to provide you with excellent care and quality services, and to make your life with us as pleasant as possible, according to our resources.

However, it may happen that you feel your expectations of care or services are not being met.

If this occurs, the Health and Social Services Act gives you this right to express your displeasure with confidence.

Telling us about your concerns enables us to identify and analyze the problem in a spirit of finding solutions to improve the quality of services.

Express Your Dissatisfaction

The local Complaints Commissioner’s exclusive mandate is to protect and respect the rights of patients. It is his/her duty to inform you about the complaints system and your appeal.

Before addressing your complaint to the Commissioner, we invite you, as a first step, to discuss the situation with your supervising staff member. This approach will often lead to a solution and enable you to put your concerns to rest.

If your dissatisfaction is the actions of one of the Hospital’s doctors, the Complaints Commissioner will ensure your comments are transmitted to the Medical Examiner appointed by the Hospital Board.

At any time, if you prefer to speak directly to the Complaints Commissioner, please contact Hanny Chung at 514 871-0961, Ext. 249.

Get assistance

If you are having difficulty being heard, you can speak to:

  • A person of your choice
  • A representative of the Hospital’s Patient’s Committee
  • The Centre for Assistance and Support of Complaints of the Island of Montreal at 514 861-5998

Receiving a response

Any dissatisfaction expressed as a complaint or request for assistance is treated with care and reviewed with great respect.

The approach of the Complaints Commissioner is to: gather information on the situation; analyze the facts; convey findings and if appropriate; make recommendations to the relevant bodies to correct the situation. If this occurs, institution is obliged to follow recommendations accordingly.

The Complaints Commissioner has an obligation to keep a record of all information related to the review process. Please note that this information is confidential and will not appear in your patient file.

See the report of activities of local complaints.




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